Prof. Dr. Frank Kutzschebauch Member of Institute Management Mathematisches Institut (MAI) Telefon +41 31 684 88 36 E-Mail Büro 229 Postadresse Universität Bern Mathematisches Institut (MAI) Sidlerstrasse 5 3012 Bern Schweiz Sprechstunde Sprechstunden während des Semesters jeweils am Montag von 10.30 - 11.30 Uhr (Voranmeldung per E-Mail erforderlich)
Lebenslauf Short Biography Education Master of Science in Mathematics and Physics. Leningrad State University, 1991 PhD. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1994 Habilitation, Uppsala University, 2001 Positions Stipendiary of Graduiertenkolleg ”Geometry and Mathematical Physics” and Teaching Assistant at Ruhr-Universität Bochum from October 1991 till September 1994 Assistent (Assistant Professor) at Basel University from October 1994 till March 1998 Lehrbeauftragter (Lektor) at Basel University from April 1998 till September 1999 Forskarassistent (Research Assistant Professor) at Uppsala University from October 1999 till January 2002 Full professor at Mid Sweden University from February 2002 till March 2007 (chair for Complex Analysis) Full professor at Universität Bern (chair for Geometry) from March 2005
Forschungsschwerpunkt Research Areas Complex Analytic Geometry Real Analytic Geometry Transformation Groups
Publikationen Kutzschebauch, F.: A new proof of Carleson’s embedding theorem for the ball. Vestnik Sankt Peterburg Univ. Math 25 (1992), 58–60 Heinzner, P.; Kutzschebauch, F.: Le principe d’Oka équivariant. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 315 Nr.1, 1265–1267 (1992) Heinzner, P.; Kutzschebauch, F.: An equivariant version of Grauert’s Oka principle. Invent. math. 119, 317–346 (1995) Heinzner, P.; Huckleberry, A. T.; Kutzschebauch, F.: A real analytic version of Abels’ Theorem and complexification of proper Lie group actions. Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 173, Decker New York 1996. Kutzschebauch, F.: On the uniqueness of the analyticity of a proper G-action. Manu. Math. 90, 17–22 (1996) Kraft, H, Kutzschebauch, F.: Equivariant line bundles and linearization. Math. Res. Letters 3, 619–627 (1996) Derksen, H., Kutzschebauch, F.: Nonlinearizable holomorphic group actions. Math. Ann. 311, 41–53 (1998) Kutzschebauch, F.: Compact and reductive subgroups of the group of holomorphic automorphisms of Cn. RIMS Kokyuroku 1033, 81–94 (1998) Derksen, H., Kutzschebauch, F.: Global holomorphic linearization of actions of compact Lie groups on Cn. Contemporary Math. 222, 201–211 (1998) Derksen, H., Kutzschebauch, F., Winkelmann, J.: Subvarieties of Cn with Non-Extendible Automorphisms. J. reine angew. Math. 508, 213–235 (1999) Kutzschebauch, F., Loose F.: Real analytic structures on a symplectic manifold. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128, 3009–3016 (2000) Kutzschebauch, F.: Andersèn-Lempert-theory with parameters: a representation theoretic point of view. J. Algebra Appl. 4, no. 3, 325–340 (2005) Ekholm, T., Kutzschebauch, F.: Total curvature and area of curves with cusps and of surface maps. Math. Scand. 96, no. 2, 224–242 (2005) Kutzschebauch, F.: Some results on embedding Stein spaces with interpolation. Ark. Mat. 43, no. 2, 419–425. (2005) Borell, S., Kutzschebauch, F.: Non-equivalent embeddings into complex euclidean spaces. Intern. J. of Math. 17, no. 9 1033–1046 (2006) Forstnerič, F., Ivarsson, B., Kutzschebauch, F., Prezelj, J.: An interpolation theorem for proper holomorphic embeddings. Math. Ann. 338, no.3, 545–554 (2007) Kaliman, S., Kutzschebauch, F.: Density property for hypersurfaces uv = f(x). Math. Z. 258, no. 1, 115–131 (2008) Kaliman, S., Kutzschebauch, F.: Criteria for the density property of complex manifolds. Invent. math. 172, no. 1, 71–87 (2008) Borel, S., Kutzschebauch, F.: Embeddings through discrete sets of balls. Ark. Mat. 46 (2008), no. 2, 251–269 Borel, S., Kutzschebauch, F., Wold E.F.: Proper holomorphic discs in the complement of varieties in C2. Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008), no. 4, 821–826. Ivarsson, B., Kutzschebauch, F.: A solution of Gromov's Vaserstein problem. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 346 (2008), no. 23-24, 1239–1243 Kutzschebauch, F., Løw, E., Wold E. F.: Embedding some Riemann surfaces into C2 with interpolation. Math. Z. 262 (2009), no. 3, 603–611 Kaliman, S., Kutzschebauch, F.: The algebraic volume density property for affine algebraic manifolds, Invent. Math. 181 (2010), 605–647 Baader, S., Kutzschebauch, F., Wold E.F.: 0. Knotted holomorphic discs in C2. J. Reine Angew. Math. 648 (2010), 69 - 73 Kutzschebauch, F., Lind, A.: Holomorphic Automorphisms of Danielewski surfaces I - density of the group of overshears. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), no. 11, 3915 - 3927 Ivarsson, B., Kutzschebauch, F.: Holomorphic factorization of mappings into SLn (C). Ann. Math. 175 (2012), no. 1., 45 - 69 Ivarsson, B., Kutzschebauch, F.: On the number of factors in the unipotent factorization of holomorphic mappings into SL2 (C). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), 823 - 838
Current PhD Students Current PhD Students Completed PhD Theses Dissertationen Prof. Dr. Frank Kutzschebauch Stefan Borell Holomorphic embeddings and Eisenman hyperbolicity. Sam Lodin Holomorphic embeddings and applications, Mid Sweden University 2009. Andreas Lind Holomorphic automorphisms of Danielevski surfaces, Mid Sweden University 2009. Rafael B. Andrist Topics in Complex Geometry, Universität Bern 2011.
Current Master's Students Current PhD Students Completed PhD Theses Masterarbeiten Prof. Dr. Frank Kutzschebauch Manuela Stucki Polynomiale Automorphismen der affinen Ebene C2. Anita Schlüchter The diffeomorphism group Diff(Rn) is not generated by overshears. Rafael B. Andrist Fatou-Bieberbach-Gebiete mit glattem Rand. 2007. Bruno Schär The group of overshears is dense in the diffeomorphism group of Rn. 2007. Sofia Ljungberg Game Theory. 2004. (Mid Sweden University). Ole Andersson One-parameter subgroups of the group of holomorphic overshears on C2. 2001. (Uppsala University)
Current Lectures Current Lectures Lineare Algebra 1 (HS 2015) Mathematisches Praktikum 1 (HS 2015) Differential Topology (HS 2015)